Convert More Traffic Into Money!

Improve Your Business Performance Now!

E-commerce is a reality! There are more and more businesses embarking on it everyday.

But, let’s face it – It is a very competitive landscape. Getting business growth on e-commerce is hard.

If you think that you are going to get success simply by creating some online store, opening it to public, creating some advertising campaigns and having lots of hope and faith, well… we wish you all the best luck in the world.

On the other hand, if you are really serious about your e-commerce business, and want to improve your sales, then we can help you.

There Are Only 4 Ways To Grow Your Sales

Get More Web Users Traffic



Improve Conversion Rate



Increase Average Order Value



Leverage Purchase Frequency



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Boost Your E-commerce Results!
Get More Sales

A Customized Process - Oriented to Your Specific Context

How Can We Optimize Your E-commerce?

Researching & Auditing

Your reality, your numbers, your users, your context, your competitors... These are the founding pillars of your optimization process. BEFORE taking any actions, we will help you build a deeper understanding of the main problems on your website and where you're losing money.

Testing & Validating

Do you already have your insights regarding your main problems? Now it's the time to start testing and validating all relevant approaches and hipotesis. No more opinions nor subjectivity. This is the core of your optimization efforts and where your results will bring live to the process.

Evaluating & Getting Results

Improving a website, means more and better performance to your business. We know that there is a continuous pressure for you to keep bringing dramatic and relevant uplifts to your business results. This means that our focus is always in staying one step ahead.

Your Custom Needs - Our Optimization Solution

Analytics Audit, Evaluation & Implementation



  • Without solid and relevant data, you are taking the wrong decisions! Unfortunately, most businesses have no idea about what is really going on on their e-online stores.
  • To add up to this problem is the usage of badly configured and poorly implemented analytics tools. If you are looking to improve your e-commerce business, this is the first step. Building your solid, trustful and relevant data is a must!
  • You have an option: deciding based only on your opinion, or taking data-based decisions. Usually the latest produce the best results.

Identify Relevant User Segments & Behaviors



  • Behavioral segmentation - sorting and grouping customers based on the behaviors they exhibit is fundamental to allow you to create processes aligned with user's expectations. Doesn't matter if you like it or not, if it is your preference or not... in the end of the day, online customers decide!
  • So, deploying adequate processes and facilitating user experience according to their behaviors is a must. The first part of the process is to identify those segments.
  • Once users are identified by their specific behavior, you will be able to target messages and campaigns specifically tailored to these audiences.

Identify Leaks & Improvement Areas



  • There is an universal truth that is the core of e-commerce optimization - the funnel or bucket metaphor. Your business, website store or mobile app live from visitors, right?
  • Now, imagine yourself carrying a bucket full of water back to your house. If your bucket has tiny holes water starts flowing out from your bucket as you walk home. There’s still water left when you arrive, but most of it has gone!
  • That's is exactly what is going on your web store. Every e-commerce has its major leaks and holes. Identifying them is a mandatory step in order to solve them and get more "water", that is... sales!

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Identify & Solve Technical Problems



  • Do you have any idea about the errors that your online store has? If you are like the majority of online store owners or managers, you just assume that everything is OK, for everybody, right?
  • When did you test your website, the last time? What browsers, devices, languages?
  • Is your e-commerce store an attractive storefront for your business, or a bit of a mess? Some examples of poor websites are blindingly obvious, from awful visuals to confusing design. However, other flaws and common mistakes can be far less glaring but still harmful. The problem with the digital age is that a lot of the time nobody will tell you, so you might not even realize.
  • In the end of the day, you might be losing a lot of sales, just to technical errors. Start identifying them.

Identify Users Interactions



  • Users, users, users... they should be your focus. Unfortunately, everyday we see online stores that are built without the user is perspective. Nevertheless, it is always possible to improve and do better.
  • What are your user's preferences? How do they behave in your store? What are their flows? What decisions do they take? What problems do they face?
  • There are a lot of tools available that will help you understand your users: heatmaps, scrollmaps to session recording...etc!
  • Implement the right tools and study your users. Then, improve your online store accordingly.
  • Trust us - the most user-oriented your e-commerce is... the more sales you will get! Start doing it now!

Implement Best Practices



  • Don't reinvent the wheel! Whether you agree or not, internet has its standards. Users expect some features and behaviors on your online store. Psychology principles, design variables, marketing laws... all add up to best practices.
  • Page structure, navigability, content, copy... all matters to create the best user experience.
  • From homepage to category, product or checkout pages. From physical to digital products.
  • Desktop or Mobile, build your online store from your "users" perspective, implement best practices and and take your performance to the next level.

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Implementing User Surveys & User Testing



  • One of the best ways to gather valuable information about your customer base is by using customer surveys.
  • You can use the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of people who have already made purchases (or not!) to strengthen your processes, customer service, product assortment, and, of course, your marketing.
  • Most of customers will buy more products or services from an online store if they have a positive experience, and of course unhappy customers will not willingly do business again.
  • Don't be afraid of listening your online customers. The knowledge that you may acquire can make the difference. Sadly, many online businesses fail to survey their customers. If you think you already know what your users think, feel and want, without hearing from them, you are taking a huge risk.
  • Surveys and user testing are valuable because they let you tap into information that isn’t available through your web/store analytics, social media pages, or email marketing tool. Surveys get into your customers’ minds. There’s no limit to what you can learn. Many times, they explain why conversions and sales don't go as expected.

Support Dep. & Chat Logs Reviews



  • If you are like most of e-commerce businesses, you provide some kind of support, to your customers, either by chat, email or even phone, right?
  • This means that (probably) you have a lot of knowledge about your customer's main problems, your store processes difficulties, products deficiencies, just to name a few... inside your own house!
  • The question is: do you usually listen and promote dialog with those people? If yes, how do you integrate all that data into you e-commerce?
  • What changes have you already done in the last 3 months related to that knowledge? What improvements do you reflect on your store, from users feedback?
  • If your answer is: none, it's never late to start listening your people and your customers. Do it now, and you may be surprised with the results.

Competitor Analysis



  • It would be great if your online business had no competition, right? Well, we all know that is only a dream. Everybody has competition.
  • Standing out from the crowd must be your number-one goal. Thus, you should know your strengths to show them off and your weaknesses to work on them.
  • Unless you have some supernatural power, the only way to show up your strong and weak points is to compare your online store to the rival ones. In other words, you need an eCommerce competitive analysis.
  • If you conduct the research carefully, you will: get a source of new ideas for your business, put yourself in customers’ shoes and evaluate the market situation better, keep up with the last changes in the industry, get new ideas and features to implement and understand a lot of your customer's behavior.
  • You must look into their sites’ design, compare their prices with yours, explore the products they sell, research their content, learn about their marketing tactics (email marketing, discounts, etc.), look through their product pages (descriptions, images, reviews, etc.), their SEO rankings, etc...
  • Now it's time to start filling the gaps, Implementing, Tracking, and Improving changes on your own online store, but remember that this is not a one and done process, but it’s something you need to keep an eye on.

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Testing, Testing & Testing



  • When done well, A/B testing – or split testing – is one of the most powerful ways to improve some of the most important metrics in your business.
  • It’s a method of determining which design, content or functionality is more successful with your site visitors, based on the knowledge that you already have about them.
  • It allows you to test a variation of your page (or element on a page) that may affect your consumers behavior.
  • For example, it can involve: testing two different content layouts for the same product to see which layout produces more sales, or different product taxonomies for your site to see which one makes it easiest for customers to purchase from you, or moving navigation items around to see which results in more sales.
  • A/B testing is not a one-time deal nor guessing game. It’s a continuous process, fueled by data and knowledge. Effective A/B testing ideally involves repeatedly testing improvements until you get the best possible version.

Research & Implementation



  • Optimizing is 80% Research & 20% Implementing.
  • If you do not have solid data, you will be just guessing...
  • So, now it's the time to start implementing and improving. Results will follow!

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We Can Do It For You....

We Share The Risk. You Win, We Win!

Performance-Based Pricing!

We believe in ourselves!

We believe in knowledge!

We believe in technology!

We believe in hard work!

We believe in data!

We believe in your business!

That’s why our pricing is performance-based.

We partner with you to improve your e-commerce and get the most out of it. The best part? We do it by a small fraction of the usual cost. We will get our money, depending on results.

Improve Your Results. Now!